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bufhrt --help

bufhrt (version 0.9.dev of frankl's stereo utilities)

  bufhrt [options] [--shared <snam1> <snam2> [...]]

  This program reads data from stdin, a file or a network connection and
  writes it to stdout, a file or the network in precisely timed chunks.
  To be accurate, the Linux kernel should have the highres-timer enabled
  (which is the case in most Linux distributions).

  The default input is stdin. Otherwise specify a file or a network
  connection. Furthermore, the number of bytes to be written per second
  must be given. In a given number of loops per second the program
  reads a chunk of data (if needed), sleeps until a specific instant of
  time and writes a chunk of data after waking up. The data which are
  buffered in RAM are refreshed just before writing them.

  The default output is stdout, otherwise specify a network port or file

  There are also two special modes. One is to read the data from shared
  memory, written by the 'writeloop' utility (see --shared option). The
  other is to first collect input into a buffer and then to write data
  without reading more input, see the --interval option.


  For critical applications (e.g., sending audio data to our player program
  'playhrt') 'bufhrt' may be started with a high priority for the real
  time scheduler:  chrt -f 99 bufhrt .....
  See the documentation of 'playhrt' for more details.


  --port-to-write=intval, -p intval
      the network port number to which data are written instead of stdout.

  --outfile=fname, -o fname
      write to this file instead of stdout.

  --bytes-per-second=intval, -m intval
      the number of bytes to be written to the output per second.
      (Alternatively, in case of stereo audio data, the options
       --sample-rate and --sample-format can be given instead.)

  --loops-per-second=intval, -n intval
      the number of loops per second in which this program is reading
      data, sleeping and then writing a chunk of data. Default is 1000.

  --buffer-size=intval, -b intval
      the size of the buffer between reading and writing data in bytes.
      Default is 65536. If reading the input is instable then a larger
      buffer can be useful. Otherwise, it should be small to fit in
      memory cache.

  --file=fname, -F fname
      the name of a file that should be read instead of standard input.

  --host-to-read=hname, -H hname
      the name or ip-address of a machine. If given, you have to specify
      --port-to-read as well. In this case data are not read from stdin
      but from this host and port.

  --port-to-read=intval, -P intval
      a port number, see --host-to-read.

  --stdin, -S
      read data from stdin. This is the default.

  --shared <snam1> <snam2> ...
      input is read from shared memory. The names <snam1>, ..., of the
      memory files must be specified after all other options. This
      option can be used together with 'writeloop' which writes the
      data to the memory files (see documentation of 'writeloop').
      For transfering music data this option may lead to better sound
      quality than using 'catloop' and a pipe to 'bufhrt' with --stdin
      input. We have made good experience with using three shared memory
      chunks whose combined length is a bit smaller than the CPUs
      L1-cache. In this mode 'bufhrt' does not combine data from
      several memory files as output in one loop. Therefore,
      'writeloop' should be used with a '--file-size' parameter
      which is a multiple of the output per loop of 'bufhrt'.

  --input-size=intval, -i intval
      the number of bytes to be read per loop (when needed). The default
      is to use the smallest amount needed for the output.

  --extra-bytes-per-second=floatval, -e floatval
      sometimes the clocks in the sending machine and the receiving
      machine are not absolutely synchronous. This option allows
      to specify an amount of extra bytes to be written to the output
      per second (negativ for fewer and positive for more bytes).
      The program adjusts the duration of the read-sleep-write rounds.

  --interval, -I
      use interval mode, typically together with a large --buffer-size.
      Per interval the buffer is filled without writing data, and then
      the buffer content is written out in a sleep-write loop (without
      reading input). See below for an example.

  --number-copies=intnum, -R intnum
      this option is only used in --interval mode which was mentioned before.
      Before writing out data they are copied the specfied number of
      times to a cleaned temporary buffer in RAM and then back to the 
      cleaned original buffer. The default is 0. This option may improve 
      sound quality in applications like 'improvefile' (see example script).
  --ram-loops-per-second=intnum, -X intnum
  --ram-bytes-per-second=intnum, -Y intnum
      by default the copies in RAM specified by the previous option 
      --number-copies are written as fast as possible. Optionally these two
      options can be used for slower copy loops with timing.

  --dsyncs-per-second=intval, -D intval
      in interval mode data of output file will be transfered to storage
      hardware with this frequency. Sensible values depend on hardware, can
      be between 1 and 200.

  --dsync, -d
      abbreviation to set --dsyncs-per-second to same as --loops-per-second.

  --in-net-buffer-size=intval, -K intval
  --out-net-buffer-size=intval, -L intval
      this if for finetuning only. It specifies the buffer size to
      use for data read from the network, or data written to the
      network, respectively. The actual fill of the buffers while
      the program is running can be checked with 'netstat -tpn'.
      Usually the operation system chooses sensible values itself.

  --verbose, -v
      print some information during startup and operation.

  --version, -V
      print information about the version of the program and abort.

  --help, -h
      print this help page and abort.


  Sending stereo audio data (192/32 format) from a filter program to
  a remote machine, using a small buffer and smallest possible input
  chunks (here 32 bit means 4 byte per channel and sample, so we have
  2x4x192000 = 1536000 bytes of audio data per second):

  ...(filter)... | bufhrt --port-to-write 5888 \
                    --bytes-per-second=1536000 --loops-per-second=2000 \

  A network buffer, reading from and writing to network:

  bufhrt --host-to-read=myserver --port-to-read=5888 \
               --buffer-size=20000 --bytes-per-second=1536000 \
               --loops-per-second=2000 --port-to-write=5999

  We use interval mode to copy music files to a hard disk. (Yes, different
  copies of a music file on the same disk can sound differently . . .):

  bufhrt --interval --file music.flac --outfile=music_better.flac \
         --buffer-size=536870912 --loops-per-second=1024 \
         --bytes-per-second=8290304 --number-copies=32 \

  And here is an example how 'bufhrt' can work together with 'writeloop'
  (note that the memory file size is 6 * 1536, 6 times the data to be
  written per loop).

  ...(filter)... | writeloop --block-size=1536 \
                             --file-size=9216 --shared /bl1 /bl2 /bl3 &

  bufhrt --bytes-per-second=1536000 --loops-per-second=1000 \
         --port-to-write=5999 --extra-bytes-per-second=12 \
         --shared /bl1 /bl2 /bl3