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cat64 --help

cat64 (version 0.9.dev of frankl's stereo utilities)


  cat64 [options] 

  This program reads a sound file (of any format supported by 'libsndfile'),
  either as a plain file or from shared memory, and writes the audio data
  as raw 64 bit floating point samples (FLOAT64_LE) to stdout.

  --file=fname, -f fname
      name of the input audio file. If not given you must use
      the next option.

  --shmname=sname, -m sname
      name of an audio file in shared memory.

  --start=intval, -s intval
      number of the frame to start from. Default is 0.
  --until=intval, -u intval
      number of frame to stop. Must be larger than start frame.
      Default is the end of the audio file.

  --number-frames=intval, -n intval
      number of frames (from start frame) to write.
      Default is all frames until end of the audio file.
  --buffer-length=intval, -b intval
      the length of the buffer in number of frames. Default is 8192
      frames which should usually be fine.

   --help, -h
      show this help.

   --verbose, -p
      shows some information during startup and operation.

   --version, -V
      show the version of this program and exit.


       cat64 --file=data.flac > data64.raw
       cat64 --file=data.wav --start=120300 --number-frames=22500 > part.raw

       cptoshm --file=data.flac --shmname=/pl.flac 
       cat64 --shmname=/pl.flac --until=40000 > pl.raw